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Urban Missions

In this ministry we look to go out into the streets to serve, share God’s love and disciple by serving side by side. There are several areas in the city that we focus on and one of those areas is the overpass where we work one-on-one with prositutes, transvestites, drug addicts and anyone who transits through that area. Another focus area is the local urgent care hospital where we serve food to patient’s families. After the covid-19 pandemic hit God began to give us new strategies to reach out to those in need around us. Through that opportunity we began work in low income neighborhoods as well as high risk areas of the city. This opened the opporutnity for us to work in a high risk neighborhood with a large population of children that are exposed to prostitution, drug trafficking, childhood labor, child abuse and many other things. This ministry has grown so much in the past seven years and continues to expand.


Future Plans:

  • Develop a strategic program for Urban Missions and reach out to local churches interested in beginning this type of ministry

  • Prayer Walks/Movements at Porto dos Milagres where we are currently working with children in this high risk neighborhood

  • Begin reaching out to families of these children and expand our area of influence in this neighborhood

River Ministry

Doing ministry on the river is where our heart is because we see the need to reach out to the people that have no access to a local church or have not been reached with the gospel. There are over 15,000 villages in the our region of the Amazon Basin that have not been reached yet or clearly presented with the gospel. We work with evangelism by distributing a Bible in every home in partnership with YWAM’s Project “A Bible in Every Home” . We take Brazilian national teams out to be a part of this movement. We also work with personal, one-on-one evangelism and children’s evagnelism through Vacation Bible School programs.  


Another part of this ministry is disciple making through teaching in small groups, one-on-one personal discipleship with pastors, leaders and other believers. Another important part of discipleship that we develop is walking with others during their day to day lives and activities. Baptism is another important part in this minsitry and God has given us the opportunity to baptize several new believers on the river. 


In the community Passagem-Cadence we have begun the intial steps to plant a church. There are seven people that recently gave their lives to the Lord and five that have been baptized. 



Future plans

  • Strenghten discipleship efforts by participating in further discipelship training

  • Plant churches in areas where there is no evangelical work

  • Work with training for local leadership and disciple-maker training

  • Develop a strategic prayer movement through buidling networks of prayer, prayer meetings and interactive prayer



Dispersão Missions has become strategic partners with Converge focusing on local transformational leadership development. As partner’s with Converge we will be working with networking, training and recruitment.

Converges Mission Statement

“We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group in our generation.”

“We believe God is raising up Latin American leaders to significantly impact the next wave of fulfilling the great commission through their ministries. Our mission is to help catalyze their vision for least-reached peoples. We will help them fill strategic gaps and multiply their leadership capacity via coaching, training and organization connections as we walk with them over time.”

  • Networking will be done by targeting leaders who want to impact least-reached peoples and need training

  • Identify, coordinate, and provide specific training needed for these leaders

  • Work with Strategic programs to Equip Leaders who want to Target Least-Reached Peoples such as the World Missions & Evangelism Discipleship Making Movement and a Cohort Program with the Bonhoeffer Project

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