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Dispersão = Dispersal, the spread of animals,

plants or seeds to new areas


The Lord has spoken very clearly to us about this word and what it means to our ministry. Throughout the entire Bible we can see the story of God being dispersed or scattered through men like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These men were given a promise to inherit the Promise Land and were dispersed to go out and conquer it. As God would show his love even more to the people of Israel, they continuously walked away from Him. As s sign of God’s love, He would always raise up someone to tell the people to ‘REPENT and turn back to the Lord.’ Then we reach the New Testament where one day He sent His Promised Son, The Seed, that would set the world free of their sin. Jesus came knowing full well his purpose with each person in mind that would ever live during and after His sacrifice. He was the only one able to conquer the grave and become the solution for our desperate need of a Savior. Humanity needs a Savior and He became the solution on our behalf. We alone could not and cannot do anything worthy of this gift that has been given to us. 


In Acts 8:1-4, during the first persecution of the church, those who were being persecuted were scattered, preaching the Word as they went along. We can understand that throughout God’s story we see Him using servants, prophets and teachers to carry this seed on to humanity that is in need of a Savior and further the Kingdom of God. 


The gospel seed has been dispersed from generation to generation until it reached us through others and so the chain effect must continue; this must continue to all people, tribes and tongues that desperately need to know their condition. 


Dispersão Missions works to bring the gospel and mercy of Jesus Christ to the river basin of Santarém and beyond. We do this by strengthening and equipping the local church to evangelize, make disciples, and plant churches while also engaging people in need around us. To help us make an even greater impact among least-reached peoples, we have become strategic partners with Converge focusing on local transformational leadership development.

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